"Heal and strengthen your body from the inside out. Target your pelvic floor, abdominal strength and progress from appropriate "day 1 exercises" back to functional and dynamic strength."


The Postpartum Recovery Program delivers Evidence Based Physiotherapy Postpartum Care.

  • What to expect:

    •  Education modules covering all things birth and birth recovery.
    • Self assessment techniques to assess your starting point and track your progress.
    • Self treatment techniques to physio yourself!
    • Specific exercise therapy to target common postpartum conditions eg Pelvic floor dysfunction, abdominal separation, pelvic stability.
    • Suitable & progressive Physio-led Pilates based exercise programs to rehabilitate your core, pelvic floor, pelvic stability and help you feel a little more 'put together'.
    • Suitable & progressive Physio-led Functional Training programs to progress your strength, stamina and practical functionality of your body. This includes adding impact to prepare you for returning to running or gym based activities.


    A comprehensive, stage based approach to your postpartum recovery.